Code Conventions in openVFIFE
Code Conventions 编码规范 参考Google C++ Style Guide 1. Naming Conventions 命名规范 1.1 通用命名规则 尽可能给有描述性的命名,别心疼空间,毕竟让代码易于新读者理解很重要。不要... -
User Guide of openVFIFE
User Guide Welcome to openVFIFE. This is a very short guide on how to get started with openVFIFE. It has a dual purpose. It... -
程序地址:https://gitee.com/ginkgoltd/waws, 编程语言:Python3 作者:GinkGo Email: ginkgoltd@outlook.com 谐波合成法以功率谱作为权系数,与一系列带随机相位的三角级数的... -
Examples of openVFIFE
Examples openVFIFE is quite simple and intuitive. The basic procedures of a calculation is as follows: create a StructSys...
openVFIFE is an open source vector form intrinsic finite element method software